We have designed this website to be as accessible as possible, with several tools to enhance usability for those who need it.
Text to speech
If you would like to have text read to you, just follow these three easy steps:
1.Highlight the words or passage of text you wish to be read
2.Click the speak icon
3.To clear: click anywhere on the page
Text resize
You can increase and decrease text size by clicking the a- or a+ icons located in the header area of the website (top).
High visibility mode
For high contrast viewing, you can select the yellow a on a black background located in the header area of the website (top). You can also use this button to return to the standard mode.
Our website can be translated into over 70 languages by selecting from the drop down box located in the footer area of the website (bottom of page).
If you have any problems using or navigating our website, please contact us to let us know.